Friday, September 19, 2008

Little MAK has now experienced 2 sets of shots without much ado. She did have 2 big bellow's but I think Mom and Dad were worse off. We do have new measurements. We are still growing fast to say the least. Her size is 90%, weight 75%, and head is only 15% which you can judge for yourself in some of the pictures. The problem lies with her checks because they are sooooooo very big and hide the actual size. Either way, she is still a very cute chunk of love and gas.

McKenna has finally made it to the mountains via a wedding. Here are some fun ones of Mom, Dad, buddy Owen-Stewie-Hans-Dale-Hawley and his Parents; plus a couple of wedding and mountain pictures. It truely was a great time with all and yes the rumors are true McKenna did puke on a $20,000 dollar rug but hey it's Aspen.